tailor-made | translate

テーラーメイド 翻訳・通訳

Bespoke, personal English-Japanese translation for designers, architects, artists and creatives


あなた用に仕立てた通訳   |   translation, tailor-made to you





Nuances and subtleties - your style and personal touches in your writing or speech can be lost in translation, often due to a lack of understanding and over-simplification by translators or translation apps / tools available online. In creative industries, this can have far more impact in conveying such complex messages between languages.

Japanese is particularly challenging to convert from English, considering the fundamental differences in sentence structures, but most importantly in metaphors, humour and cultural backgrounds - the end results risk being unnatural or at worst utterly incomprehensible. Our mission is to suitably transform your expressions, befitting to Japanese cultural and social references, whilst ensuring your identity and your core messages are retained in the translated works. 


01 | texts



Translations of written pieces including essays and magazine articles, as well as project / product descriptions and explanations.


02 | shorts



Suitable for when there is a series of short phrases or artworks / products that need titles and captions translated into Japanese in a considered, holistic style


03 | interpreter



An in-person interpreter, as well as a guide / minder, for a client during their visit for events and meetings. Online meetings and pre-recorded services are also available. 


04 | content


SNS, ウェブサイト、海外向けマーケティング、観光客向けの宣伝など、定期的に更新されるデジタル・コンテンツの英訳やその方針内容のご相談(コンサルティング)。

Regular or short bursts of digital content updates in Japanese, or consultations on producing Japanese versions of your social media and marketing materials.

Get in touch !
