tailor-made  |  translate

by Ayaka Hana Suzuki  


I am fully bilingual (Japanese + English) and have lived in England for more than 20 years, where I graduated from University of Cambridge before working in creative industries in London. I have done translation works for Tokyo architects - established ateliers and up-and-coming architects - and have been a liaison / interpreter for renowned artists represented by international galleries.

Selected Clients


Yoshitomo Nara's London show
Pace Gallery London

Pace Gallery  |  ペース美術館



Pace is an international contemporary art gallery with nine locations around the world, representing key artists from 20th & 21st centuries.

Yoshitomo Nara  |  奈良美智


This was an interpreter-cum-minder role during the VIP London exhibition opening event and its after party for the internationally celebrated artist Yoshitomo Nara. Although the artist speaks English well, the need to relieve his stress of having to interact with the crowd in a foreign language was discussed with the gallery. By talking through with Nara-san before the start of the event, it made it possible to prioritise navigating him to the people he wished to meet and aid his conversation topics, assisting him to truly enjoy his time, leading to the success of the gallery event.

Lee Ufan  |  リー・ウーファン


Ufan is a central figure in Mono-ha movement and has been active in Japan since the 60's. My interpreter role was offered from the gallery to assist him during his London exhibition opening event. Care was taken to ensure his comfortable experience at the hugely popular event by observing and adjusting the pace of conversations and leading him to people he wished to speak to. The words already used to describe his works were researched prior to the event to give a continuity to our translated communications.

刀鍛冶 日本玄承社
Art Collaboration Kyoto

Nippon Genshosha |  日本玄承社

gensho.jpn.com  japanese swordsmiths 


Three young swordsmiths founded a traditional forge and sword workshop in the northern mountainous and coastal region of Kyotango in Kyoto, after training for years under a master. Being the only few specialists in Japan, they are passionate about redefining the Japanese swordmaking to create new styles for the contemporary era. 

I have been part of their efforts to share the fascinating world of Japanese sword-making since 2022.

Art Collaboration Kyoto |  ACK



ACK is the largest contemporary art fair in Japan, and is collaboratively curated by various galleries from Japan and from all around the world. I worked as a translator for a VIP guest on the opening day.

SANAA  |   El Croquis
OONK   |  GA Houses

SANAA  /  妹島和世西沢立衛建築設計事務所


世界的に有名な妹島和世+西澤立衛建築設計事務所の数々のプロジェクト説明文・記事や受賞や展示会への挨拶文の英訳を担当しました。海外でも幅広く出版され愛読されている雑誌や本 (El Croquis, GA Japan, GA Houses など) に記載され、現在でも使われています。

Translations were provided for the world renowned architect duo's project descriptions and captions, as well as their formal statements. These were featured in internationally published magazines and books, including El Croquis, GA Japan and GA Houses. 

OONK |  北澤伸浩建築設計事務所


今若手で注目を浴びている北澤伸浩建築設計事務所のGA展示会、そして2022年3月出版となった雑誌 (GA Houses) に記載されたプロジェクトの紹介文書・記事の英訳。彼の個性溢れる、詩のような文調と数々の言葉の選択を敬い、話し合いを重ねながら共に満足の行く完成品に仕上げました。

Nobuhiro is an up-and-coming young Japanese architect practising in Tokyo. Having recently been selected for an honorary list of architects by the GA Japan, he participated in their exhibition and his project published in March 2022 issue of the 'GA Houses'. We worked closely with him to translate his project blurb to ensure his characterful and ephemeral explanation of his work is fully expressed in English.

OSO Research小野寺匠吾建築設計事務所 


若手実力家で、数々の受賞をした Office Shogo Onodera (OSO)が手掛ける、環境をテーマにした研究を進める OSO Research 。国際コンペの協力をしています。

OSO Research is run by an award-winning architectural firm, Office Shogo Onodera, to drive environmental researches for prospective and hypothetical projects.  I am part of the team to enter international competitions.

Get in touch !
